Mr. C was born in western Pennsylvania to Italian parents from southern Italy.
I was raised in eastern Pennsylvania and in my pre-teen years, I would watch The Perry Como Show every Saturday with my parents, who were not Italian.
Aside from our being from Pennsylvania, Mr. C. and I have nothing more in common other than our propensity for wearing sweaters.
And Mr. C. has nothing to do with Como, the southernmost town on Lago di Como. But I remember him, just the same.
So back to the town of Como.
The town was founded by the Romans in 196 BC and has many structures dating back to the 12th century. It also has many modern concrete structures and hotels which gave the town, for my visit, a very gray feeling. Even with the medieval structures and a Duomo that was begun in 1396, the town, seemed lacking of any particular beauty. It took several trips into town to get a better feeling for it.
The grayness might have been due to the late October weather. At least that is how I felt when we visited between boat transfers, for lunch, and when catching trains to Lugano and Milano.
But there is beauty here, one just has to look for it, as evidenced by finding hidden gardens in equally hidden courtyards.
These hands mark the entrance to the Como train station.
I can tell you nothing further about them.
From Como we took a day-trip to Lugano, Switzerland on an equally gray day. I am told that the city is very beautiful, but again the weather may have dampened my photographic inspiration.
So addio Como, addio Lugano.
We leave the lakes and head to the cosmopolitan city Milano.
Many of my friends think I have a knack for selecting beautiful hotels. Well not always. The 4**** Hotel Vittoria Milano is very pretty, just like their website shows. But it is so piccolo.
I spend so much of my time trying to find the perfect place because as most travelers know, the hotels in Europe are small. They are not built for full-figured guys like Peter and myself.
I chose this hotel even though small because it was a convenient walk to the Duomo. Yet aside from triping over each other in our room, the hotel, the weekend and the city were fine.
We asked the hotel to suggest a restaurant for lunch on our arrival. Without consulting us, the concierge picked up the phone, called a restaurant up the street and advised that Signore Williams was on his way. No sooner did we arrive at the door of the restaurant, it was thrown open and we were greeted by name. We were then whisked into a completely empty, but up-scale seafood restaurant and served a meal that completely blew the budget for the rest of the weekend. For those of you who know me, after the first glass of Proseco, I got right into it and had a fabulous meal. And then, some more Proseco!
So the weekend was spent exploring Milano.
Here are some of my photographic view points.
Our last meal in Milano was fantastic in a fantastic setting. I had read of a district of Milano that had canals. It is called the Navigli. The Navigli are artificial canals constructed between the 12th and 16th centuries to make the city more accessible to other towns.
The restaurant was either the Asso di Fiori - L'osteria dei formaggi or the Acquasola. Sorry, this was in 2005. We had four appetizers for lunch. The pitcher was full of red wine! I'm lucky that the food was good because I made Peter walk all the way from the hotel through the many other districts of Milano.
But the trip was worth this one picture. One of my favorites to this day.
Perry Como would open each of his weekly shows with this little song called...
"We Get Letters".
"Letters, we get letters,
We get stacks an' stacks of letters..."
I haven't received letters, but I have received several emails and posted messages of encouragement about Focused.
Thank you and keep them coming...they keep me motivated.
However, this will be my last blog until May. I'm off to Europe again for more photographic exploring.
Destinations: Nice, Genoa, Roma, Napoli, Salerno, Bologna and back to Nice.