Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mobile Blog - Days 7 - 8 - Venice

This picture shows you the palazzo where we are staying. Our apartment is the entire second floor. This view is from the traghetto (gondola ferry) that crosses the Grand Canal from San Tomà to Sant Angelo.

Conversely, this is the view from one of our windows of the Grand Canal and of the traghetto as it arrives from San Tomà.

Okay. Now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you what we have been up to for the last few days. Since Peter and I have been in Venice several times, there has been no hurry for us to go off exploring.

Day one, Saturday, was spent traveling from Malcesine to Verona by car and then train to Venice. After arriving, we spent the rest of the day relaxing and getting acclimated to the apartment. Dinner was at the Osteria down our calle where we had a wonderful conversation with an Italian couple; he (Andrea) from Rome and she (Franca) from Modena. With all the superlatives we heard about her home, we think we may need to go there sometime soon.

The next day, Sunday, we began to roam. We made our way up to the Fenice Opera House which faces the small Chiesa di San Fantin. Inside there was a remarkable exhibit by Oksana Mas called Post - vs - Proto - Renaissance.

Take a closer look!

Now, look even closer.

And even closer!

This exhibit was part of the Ukrainian Pavilion presentation at the Biennale di Venezia. The installation is composed of thousands of wooden eggs which evoke the mosaic quality of the piece, or as defined by the promotional literature, egg-pixels! Awesome!

My camera battery was beginning to lose power, so I only got a few more photo opportunities before the battery died.

And then the battery died. The charger, I recalled, was stilled plugged into the Malcesine kitchen outlet.

So I leave you with this last photo, while I try to find a replacement charger, a new battery, or a new camera. All in the photography center of the world, Venice. NOT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The mosaic is incredible. Thank you for posting photos down to the detail. Unbelievable!!! Enjoy you last evening in Venice and safe travels tomorrow. ~ Deb